Author name: Friendly Llama

Discord Community :D

Hi! I just had a couple of stressful days after my page fell down because of a silly change I tried to make But itโ€™s over now! I managed to fix it (with a lot of help) and got it up back again! And nothing was lost in the process. Since I didnโ€™t know how […]

Discord Community :D

Spooky Bat ๐Ÿฆ‡

So Halloween was yesterday and obviously we made a game for it ๐Ÿ™‚ Specifically for the Newgrounds Spooktacular contest! It’s a very cute game about a bat who loves collecting stones. You have to use the bat’s ultrasonic echo-locator to be able to see them and the enemies that will stand in your way through

Spooky Bat ๐Ÿฆ‡

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